
Dear friends,

This year you can order your tickets for the 5. Metalfest Pilsen (30.5. – 1.6. 2014) already since September. At this moment we offer only 3-day passes for the special introductory price of 36.- EUR valid until 15. October or until the limited edition sells out. Exclusively through this website.

During the month of September we are regularly uncovering the acts performing at this iconic festival, bands which are going to entertain you at the very end of spring.

The first confirmed acts for Metalfest Pilsen 2014:
RAGE (GER) – Famous metal trio in a special anniversary concert celebrating its 30. anniversary!
DELAIN (NED) – There is probably the largest number of beautiful metal female singers in “the tulip country”. This great Dutch symphonic metal outfit is going to introduce its brand new album in Pilsen! Moreover, Charlotte sings in front of the backdrop with her portrait in a style of famous Czech fine artist Alphonse Mucha 😉
XANDRIA (GER) – Gothic / symphonic metal with a beautiful and energetic singer Manuela! This German band would also introduce its new album at the Metalfest!
GRAVE (SWE) – Scandinavian death metal legend introduces the new album!
KISSIN’ DYNAMITE (GER) – They are young, dangerous and explosive and their traditional heavy metal is built on a super image of the 80’s. Their passion which they play with will definitely kick you up.
ARVEN (GER) – New melodic metal sensation for the first time in the Czech Republic! Guys, this won’t be just only about listening! Five beautiful chicks in the band just guarantee a sight for sore eyes!

More info about these acts soon in “Bands” section of this website and another confirmed bands here during entire month of September. Check regularly this site as well as!

(Czech) Metalfest 2013 – In Metal We Trust!

Despite of horrible weather METALFEST continues!!!

You are flooding us with calls and emails with questions regarding METALFEST program changes. Although the weather (not only in Pilsen) got crazy, festival continues according to plan, the scene of King Diamond is finished, bands are playing and thousands of visitors are having great time. It is rough fight without wellies and raincoats but Lochotín ground is full of the greatest people and METALFEST CONTINUES! There is the last day of the program ahead of us and you can get tickets for this day at the box office – tickets cost 800, – CZK (approx. 32,- EUR).

(Czech) KREYSON v Plzni představí další novinku z aktuálního CD Návrat krále!

(Czech) Odpověď zní “Ano”. Vstupenku na METALFEST koupíte i na místě.

(Czech) Alko testy pro návštěvníky Metalfestu.

(Czech) I letos Vás čeká festivalový shop se skvělými suvenýry!

(Czech) Vážení rockoví přátelé,

The opening hours of grounds facilities.

Month of May is at the very end, only dozens of hours remain till festival’s start and preparations of Lochotin grounds are culminating. Same with your journey and program… So you could schedule them we announce opening hours of some facilities which could be useful to you at the festival.

Fri 31/05 ….. 10:00 – 23:00
Sat 01/06 ….. 09:00 – 22:00
Sun 02/06 ….. 09:00 – 22:00
* The only legal currency on festival grounds will be CZK (Czech Koruna)!

31/05 ….. 10:00 – 24:00
01/06 ….. 09:00 – 24:00
02/06 ….. 09:00 – 23:00
* Collect your stuff before Sunday’s 11PM, otherwise you travel home without it!

31/05 ….. 10:00 – 23:00
01/06 ….. 09:00 – 24:00
02/06 ….. 09:00 – 24:00

31/05 ….. 09:00 – 02:00
01/06 ….. 07:00 – 02:00
02/06 ….. 07:00 – 24:00

31/05 ….. 10:00 – 23:00
01/06 ….. 09:00 – 23:00
02/06 ….. 09:00 – 23:00

31/05 ….. 10:00 – 23:30
01/06 ….. 09:00 – 23:30
02/06 ….. 09:00 – 23:30

Schedule of signing sessions of your faves is completed.

What and from whom you would get autographed during METALFEST (May 31st – June 2nd) in Pilsen – Lochotin is only your business. We’ll just manage it… The vast majority of festival’s participating stars will find the time and appetite to sit down on the “Meet & Greet Stage” and traditionally will be pretty close to you and available. Meetings with your favorite ones during which you can take pictures of them up close and personal and can get signed almost anything, will start each day shortly after lunch and will last almost until dusk. Finally, check out the schedule… METALFEST tickets are still available here or from usual ticket outlets.